ePortfolio Ida Brandão

In this two-week course, you will learn about the paper used in traditional Japanese books from both a scientific and cultural perspective.
In the first week, we will study the definition, history, manufacturing methods and materials of Japanese paper and we will also learn how to identify different types of washi.
In the second week, you will learn about Japanese papermaking techniques, with a particular focus on decorated papers used in books, and discuss why and when such papers were used. You will see many beautiful books from our library, some with gorgeous decorations and beautiful covers.
In Week 1:
How to categorize washi paper.
How the washi paper is crafted.
What kind of materials are used to make washi.
What you can tell by examining washipaper.
The history of washi
In Week 2:
How the washi is colored.
How to decorate washi during the sheet-forming process
Gorgeous papers decorated with minerals and fabrics
Even more variety of decoration such as embossing and shita-e
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