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WEEK 2 - 

Writing exercises

Three photos were suggested to pick one and write a poem. 

Forms & Types of Poetry - Some definitions and exampes

A group of words were suggested or an alternative personal choice to write a poem or a stanza.

My own choice of words : mist - imagination - tranquility - murmuration - clouds - wave - sky -   vortex - grass -  starling

Another prompt for a poem: a TOOL - Mezzotint Rocker

Do you have a memory of a specific tool? Perhaps it is a tool that once belonged to someone else? Is it a tool you have a particular memory of using? Consider not just what the tool looks like, but use the full range of your senses to explore through touch, sound, smell and even taste! How has the tool’s function changed? Do you still use it? What does it mean to you now?

Rhyming exercise

A - Drones for war, drones for health,
B - GPS tech, wi-fi, obstacle sensor,
A - Drones go far, drones for wealth,
B - Pollution measure, fair dispenser,
C - Spray crops, hickers rescued,
C - Capture footage, awesome used.

A - Concerns and possibilities,
B - Threatening surveillance,
A - Exciting capabilities,               
B - Ruling out entities,
C - A race against time,
C - Done with my rhyme!

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