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For most of the tasks you will need art materials: paint, pens, crayons, paper, etc. No specifics are given; however I outline a few examples, both conventional and not, later in the first week of the course. Use what makes sense to you in terms of your preferences and budget.

A sketchbook or notebook is handy for taking notes, or for daily "practice" exercises (more about that later).


A digital camera is also needed to record your experiments. Smartphones work just fine!

While it is possible to complete the course from a mobile device, we recommend using a desktop or laptop computer if you have it. A screen larger than a smartphone screen is recommended for image-based research (you will need an internet connection for this as well). Putting together your composition assignments in weeks 3 and 4 will be much easier on a computer loaded with Adobe InDesign or similar software, though I outline ways of accomplishing those assignments without one, if you choose to do so.

Digital tools

Picture to people -  a generator of images

Lucid Press - MS online free publisher

Book Creator for Chrome -

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